Joao ~º

Membros Veteranos
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Everything posted by Joao ~º

  1. Joao ~º


    {legendary} crystalline axe +4 (Atk:59, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +6). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 76.00 oz. Even in the light of day, the stars seem to reflect in each facet of this crystalline axe. Atributos adicionais: Extra attack +8 Extra defense +1 Axe skill +5 Health +2% {rare} earthborn titan armor +4 (Arm:17, axe fighting +6, protection earth +5%, fire -5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher. It weighs 120.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Sockets [0 / 1] Axe skill +4 Extra armor +2 Health +1% Mana +2%
  2. Eu concordo com você vitim, sempre joguei de knight e desde bem antes não ta aguentando nada, PRATICAMENTE NADA, aos "detentores da razão" que falam que "não sabe jogar de knight", "que tem que treinar mais ml" e bla bla bla eu duvido que vai no pelego de knight (se é que tem) e aguente o combo e não morra, essa é basicamente minha opinião =D
  3. Opa, cara vou ser sincero, to totalmente fora dos preços pois estou inativo, me mande uma msg com sua oferta por favor que negociamos
  4. CITERON {legendary} royal scale robe +5 (Arm:14, magic level +6, protection fire +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 100 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +30 17 mana each 5 seconds @ Magic level +4 Extra armor +2 Health +2% 4 Legendary Essence Ron the Ripper's sabre DANAE 1 REFINE RARE 1 PURE ENERGY 10 DIAS DE RECOVERY {legendary} crystalline axe +4 (Atk:59, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +6). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 76.00 oz. Even in the light of day, the stars seem to reflect in each facet of this crystalline axe. Atributos adicionais: Extra attack +8 Extra defense +1 Axe skill +5 Health +2% {rare} earthborn titan armor +4 (Arm:17, axe fighting +6, protection earth +5%, fire -5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher. It weighs 120.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Sockets [0 / 1] Axe skill +4 Extra armor +2 Health +1% Mana +2% vendo rapido
  5. Cara, tipo é um evento de war, a guild que ganhar vai ganhar os premios, no caso tem o limite de frag entre outras regras, @topic sdds ;(
  6. Joao ~º


    {legendary} crystalline axe +4 (Atk:59, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +6). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 76.00 oz. Even in the light of day, the stars seem to reflect in each facet of this crystalline axe. Atributos adicionais: Extra attack +8 Extra defense +1 Axe skill +5 Health +2% 1 refine rare msg no forum ;3
  7. "Thanks for sending a report to Google."
  8. Shadow Legend, Apesar da semana corrida estou sempre olhando forum, entro nos fins de semana, tenho 5 anos de rpg e tenho certeza que posso ajudar com sugestões para melhorar o servidor em beneficio dos players novos e experientes.
  9. {legendary} royal scale robe +5 (Arm:14, magic level +6, protection fire +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 100 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +30 17 mana each 5 seconds @ Magic level +4 Extra armor +2 Health +2% (dei 1 roll só) 4 Legendary essence 10 Rare essence Ron the Ripper's sabre powered yellow gem +1. It weighs 0.10 oz. This gem when socketed into an item will grant the holder with: Helmet: 0.1% of melee skills Armor: 0.05% of melee skills Weapon: 0.15% of melee skills MSG FORUM bjo
  10. Joao ~º


    {legendary} crystalline axe +4 (Atk:59, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +6). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 76.00 oz. Even in the light of day, the stars seem to reflect in each facet of this crystalline axe. Atributos adicionais: Extra attack +8 Extra defense +1 Axe skill +5 Health +2% {rare} earthborn titan armor +4 (Arm:17, axe fighting +6, protection earth +5%, fire -5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher. It weighs 120.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Sockets [0 / 1] Axe skill +4 Extra armor +2 Health +1% Mana +2% 1 Refine Rare 2 Major Msg no forum de preferência porque estou inativo in game. Bjo
  11. SELL PPT'S (70 KK) cada {legendary} royal scale robe +5 (Arm:14, magic level +6, protection fire +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 100 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +30 17 mana each 5 seconds @ Magic level +4 Extra armor +2 Health +2% 4 LEGENDARY ESSENCE
  12. Joao ~º


    {legendary} royal scale robe +4 (Arm:14, magic level +6, protection fire +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 100 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +30 17 mana each 5 seconds @ Magic level +4 Extra armor +2 Health +2% 3 Pure Energy 3 days manapool boost 4 Legendary Essence Ron the Ripper's sabre 2 Major Token bjo
  13. Sinceramente eu não sei HSUSHUSHSU, mas de sua oferta por favor...
  14. DANAE: 36 Rare Essence, 18 Magic Essence, 1 Dream Matter, 2 Major Tokens, {legendary} crystalline axe +4 (Atk:59, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +6). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 76.00 oz. Even in the light of day, the stars seem to reflect in each facet of this crystalline axe. Atributos adicionais: Extra attack +8 Extra defense +1 Axe skill +5 Health +2% ------------- CITERON: 1 Dream Matter, 13 Rare Essence, 22 Magic Essence, Ron the Ripper's sabre (Pirate Addon 2) 2 Major Tokens. Ofertas por aqui, pm no forum ou nos meus buneco \/ Bjo
  15. Joao ~º

    Sharp Flamer

    Oi abigus, to formando time pra sharp flamer, já tem eu de knight e obviamente falta o resto HSUSHSU, data/hora é só combinar.
  16. Uma sugestão apenas... vamos fazer no domingo, tem monte de players que ta viajando e curtindo reveillon, vamos fazer um time para o domingo e organizar corretamente, quanto mais players, mais rápido vai ser, ai é com vocês agora haha.
  17. Joao ~º

    Sharp Flame

    Tenho meu knight...
  18. Joao ~º

    Sharp Flame

    Tenho meu knight, tenho firebug