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Posts posted by Omegadruida


    WPP (21) 99219-6529




    13:54 You see a {legendary} gnome helmet +6 (Arm:10, magic level +6, protection physical +3%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 18:38h, Powerful Epiphany 9:12h).
    It weighs 24.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1071474
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +7
    Mana +2.1%
    Health +5.1%
    Health +140
    Extra armor +3
    Magic level +4
    13:54 You see a {legendary} falcon rod +6 (magic level +8, protection energy +8%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 12:00h, Powerful Strike 9:12h).
    It weighs 37.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Damage +90%
    Refine ID 1337705
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +4
    Mana +0.4%
    Health +3.4%
    @[3] Health +130
    Magic level +5
    13:54 You see an {legendary} umbral master spellbook +7 (Def:23, magic level +7, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Hide Dragon 3:32h).
    It weighs 30.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1021195
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +6
    Mana +1.2%
    12 health each 5 seconds
    @[17] Health +3.2%
    Extra defense +3
    Health +120
    Magic level +3
    13:54 You see a {legendary} gnome legs +7 (Arm:12, magic level +5, protection energy +7%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 25.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 925229
    Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +6
    ->powered red gem +6
    Mana +2.4%
    @[12] Health +5.4%
    Health +120
    Extra armor +3
    Magic level +3
    20 mana each 5 seconds
    13:54 You see {legendary} magma boots (Arm:2, protection fire +5%, ice -5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 7.50 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1172165
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +6
    Mana +1.2%
    Health +4.2%
    @[5] Health +140
    18 mana each 5 seconds
    13:54 You see a {legendary} shining sun catcher (protection fire +5%).
    It weighs 2.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1148971
    Mana +1%
    @[1] Health +3%
    Mana +120
    Health +100
    13:54 You see an {legendary} elven mail +6 (Arm:12).
    Imbuements: (Powerful Snake Skin 17:02h, Powerful Cloud Fabric 17:02h, Powerful Quara Scale 17:02h).
    It weighs 90.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1020248
    Sockets [3 / 3]
    ->powered red gem +7
    ->powered red gem +7
    ->powered red gem +7
    Mana +4.2%
    @[14] Health +7.2%
    Mana +60
    Health +140
    Extra armor +3



    14:05 You see a {legendary} falcon coif +8 (Arm:14, distance fighting +10, shielding +10, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins and knights of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 16:32h, Powerful Precision 6:17h).
    It weighs 28.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 929251
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +6
    Mana +4.8%
    Shielding skill +8
    @[6] Health +3.8%
    Distance skill +8
    Health +100
    Extra armor +4
    14:05 You see a {legendary} gnome armor +8 (Arm:21, distance fighting +11, protection physical +4%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Hide Dragon 4:06h, Powerful Quara Scale 4:06h).
    It weighs 120.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 932116
    @[2] Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +6
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +5.2%
    Health +5.2%
    Distance skill +8
    Extra armor +4
    11 mana each 5 seconds
    14:05 You see {legendary} falcon greaves +6 (Arm:13, club fighting +9, sword fighting +9, axe fighting +9, distance fighting +9, protection physical +7%, ice +7%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.
    It weighs 36.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1340545
    Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +5
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +3%
    @[7] 12 health each 5 seconds
    Health +2%
    Distance skill +6
    Axe skill +6
    Health +150
    Club skill +6
    Extra armor +3
    Sword skill +6
    14:05 You see a {rare} falcon bow +8 (Range: 6, Atk +19, Hit% +6, distance fighting +12, protection fire +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 19:21h, Powerful Strike 7:44h, Powerful Precision 7:44h).
    It weighs 35.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 990244
    Extra attack +12
    @[9] Health +2%
    Distance skill +10
    Health +100
    14:05 You see {rare} prismatic boots +6 (Arm:6, protection death +3%, speed +15).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 18.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 954213
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +5
    Speed +60
    Mana +1%
    Health +3%
    @[1] Health +100
    Extra armor +3




    14:06 You see a {legendary} falcon circlet +8 (Arm:12, magic level +8, protection fire +9%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 8:38h, Powerful Epiphany 15:07h).
    It weighs 13.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 929584
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +6
    Mana +1.8%
    Health +3.8%
    Health +100
    Extra armor +4
    @[6] Magic level +6
    14:06 You see an {rare} elven mail (Arm:9).
    Imbuements: (Powerful Snake Skin 17:11h, Powerful Hide Dragon 17:11h, Powerful Cloud Fabric 17:11h).
    It weighs 90.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1179707
    @[7] Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +6
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +2.2%
    Health +4.2%
    Health +100
    14:06 You see a {legendary} gnome legs +10 (Arm:14, magic level +10, protection energy +7%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 25.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 911986
    Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +5
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +2%
    Health +4%
    @[4] Health +90
    Extra armor +5
    Magic level +8
    14:06 You see {rare} lightning boots +1 (Arm:2, protection energy +5%, earth -5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 7.50 oz.
    Item caught as prize for level 2 of participation on killing Omrafir at date 12/5/2020.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1148982
    @[11] Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +1%
    Health +3%
    Health +100
    14:06 You see an {rare} umbral master spellbook +7 (Def:23, magic level +7, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Quara Scale 18:42h).
    It weighs 30.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1031146
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +1%
    @[6] Health +3%
    Extra defense +3
    Health +90
    Magic level +3
    14:06 You see a {magic} shining sun catcher (protection fire +5%).
    It weighs 2.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 987699
    @[13] Health +2%
    Health +90
    14:06 You see a {legendary} falcon wand +6 (magic level +8, protection fire +8%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 19:08h, Powerful Strike 7:56h).
    It weighs 33.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Damage +90%
    Refine ID 970912
    Mana +3%
    Health +3%
    @[4] Health +130
    Magic level +5




    14:07 You see a {rare} falcon coif +7 (Arm:13, distance fighting +9, shielding +9, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins and knights of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 14:41h, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 28.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 946339
    @[5] Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +6
    Mana +1.8%
    Shielding skill +7
    Health +3.8%
    Distance skill +7
    Health +30
    Extra armor +3
    14:07 You see a {rare} falcon plate +6 (Arm:21, shielding +10, protection physical +12%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Hide Dragon 3:37h, Powerful Quara Scale 11:37h).
    It weighs 188.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1199382
    Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +6
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +2.2%
    Shielding skill +6
    Health +4.2%
    @[7] Health +100
    Extra armor +3
    14:07 You see {rare} falcon greaves +6 (Arm:13, club fighting +9, sword fighting +9, axe fighting +9, distance fighting +9, protection physical +7%, ice +7%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.
    It weighs 36.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 953558
    @[6] Sockets [2 / 2]
    ->powered red gem +5
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +2%
    Health +4%
    Distance skill +6
    Axe skill +6
    Health +70
    Club skill +6
    Extra armor +3
    Sword skill +6
    14:07 You see {rare} dragon scale boots +6 (Arm:6, protection fire +3%, ice -3%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 70 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 18.50 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1007313
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +5
    Mana +1%
    Health +3%
    @[7] Health +70
    Extra armor +3
    14:07 You see a {magic} moon mirror (protection death +5%).
    It weighs 2.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1437790
    Health +2%
    @[3] Health +70
    14:07 You see a {legendary} falcon escutcheon +6 (Def:43, protection physical +7%, fire +15%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Cloud Fabric 13:12h).
    It weighs 60.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 930780
    @[3] Mana +3%
    Health +3%
    Extra defense +3
    Health +110
    15 mana each 5 seconds
    14:07 You see an {rare} umbral master axe +6 (Atk:62, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +7).
    It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 14:41h, Powerful Strike 9:39h).
    It weighs 80.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1149063
    Mana +2%
    Extra attack +9
    Health +2%
    Axe skill +6
    Health +110
    14:07 You see an {legendary} umbral master chopper +10 (Atk:71, Def:37, axe fighting +14).
    It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 20:00h, Powerful Strike 20:00h).
    It weighs 110.00 oz.
    Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Gaz'haragoth at date 29/10/2016.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 505937
    @[2] Extra attack +17
    Health +3%
    Axe skill +11
    Health +70



    14:08 You see a {legendary} shining sun catcher (protection fire +5%).
    It weighs 2.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1439992
    11 health each 5 seconds
    @[2] Mana +110
    Health +120
    8 mana each 5 seconds
    14:08 You see a {rare} gnome helmet (Arm:9, magic level +2, protection physical +3%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 0:54h, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 24.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1444581
    9 health each 5 seconds
    Extra armor +2
    8 mana each 5 seconds
    14:08 You see a {legendary} gnome helmet +6 (Arm:11, magic level +5, protection physical +3%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 4:25h, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 24.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1079666
    @[2] Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered violet gem +2
    11 health each 5 seconds
    Health +3%
    Extra armor +4
    Magic level +3
    26 mana each 5 seconds
    14:08 You see a {magic} gnome helmet (Arm:8, magic level +2, protection physical +3%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 11:36h, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 24.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1443058
    8 health each 5 seconds
    Extra armor +1
    14:08 You see an {legendary} umbral master spellbook +10 (Def:25, magic level +9, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 30.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 551200
    Sockets [0 / 1]
    Mana +2%
    @[9] Health +1%
    Extra defense +5
    Health +120
    Magic level +5
    14:08 You see an {rare} umbral master spellbook +4 (Def:22, magic level +6, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Quara Scale 4:25h).
    It weighs 30.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1148635
    @[6] Sockets [0 / 1]
    Health +1%
    Extra defense +2
    Health +100
    Magic level +2
    14:08 You see a {rare} moon mirror (protection death +5%).
    It weighs 2.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1374492
    @[4] Health +1%
    Mana +20
    Health +90
    14:08 You see a {rare} moon mirror (protection death +5%).
    It weighs 2.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1343141
    @[1] Mana +1%
    Health +80
    9 mana each 5 seconds
    14:08 You see an {legendary} elven mail +2 (Arm:10).
    Imbuements: (Powerful Cloud Fabric 13:01h, Powerful Hide Dragon 13:01h, Powerful Lich Shroud 13:01h).
    It weighs 90.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1024053
    @[1] Sockets [0 / 3]
    Mana +2%
    Health +2%
    Health +30
    Extra armor +1
    14:08 You see an {rare} elven mail +2 (Arm:10).
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 90.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1298446
    7 health each 5 seconds
    Mana +70
    Extra armor +1
    9 mana each 5 seconds
    14:08 You see an {magic} elven mail +2 (Arm:10).
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 90.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1298428
    Health +2%
    Health +80
    Extra armor +1
    14:08 You see a {legendary} gnome legs (Arm:9, magic level +2, protection energy +7%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 25.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1198277
    Sockets [0 / 2]
    Health +2%
    @[8] Health +70
    Magic level +1
    14:08 You see a {legendary} gnome legs +6 (Arm:12, magic level +5, protection energy +7%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 25.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1095638
    Sockets [0 / 1]
    @[2] Mana +2%
    Health +3%
    Mana +70
    Extra armor +3
    Magic level +3


    14:09 You see an Gold Pouch (Vol:48)




    14:11 You see a {rare} falcon coif +6 (Arm:13, distance fighting +8, shielding +8, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins and knights of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 28.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1023487
    Sockets [0 / 1]
    Shielding skill +6
    Health +2%
    Distance skill +6
    Extra armor +3
    @[3] 10 mana each 5 seconds
    14:11 You see a {magic} falcon plate +4 (Arm:20, shielding +8, protection physical +12%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 188.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1489407
    Shielding skill +4
    Mana +50
    Extra armor +2
    13 mana each 5 seconds
    14:11 You see a {rare} falcon shield (Def:39, protection physical +6%, fire +10%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 57.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1516061
    Sockets [0 / 1]
    10 health each 5 seconds
    Shielding skill +2
    14:11 You see {rare} falcon greaves +4 (Arm:12, club fighting +7, sword fighting +7, axe fighting +7, distance fighting +7, protection physical +7%, ice +7%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.
    It weighs 36.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1509103
    Health +2%
    Distance skill +4
    Mana +90
    Axe skill +4
    Club skill +4
    Extra armor +2
    Sword skill +4
    @[5] 14 mana each 5 seconds
    14:11 You see a {magic} frozen starlight.
    It weighs 0.20 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1527870
    Health +1%
    Health +50
    14:11 You see a {legendary} gnome sword +1 (Atk:11 physical + 42 energy, Def:38 +3, sword fighting +5, protection energy +6%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 85.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1528859
    Extra attack +1
    Extra defense +3
    Mana +140
    Health +80
    Sword skill +2



    14:12 You see a {legendary} falcon coif +6 (Arm:13, distance fighting +8, shielding +8, protection physical +3%, fire +10%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins and knights of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 28.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1436472
    Shielding skill +6
    Health +3%
    Distance skill +6
    Mana +50
    @[3] Health +100
    Extra armor +3
    19 mana each 5 seconds
    14:12 You see a {rare} gnome armor +6 (Arm:20, distance fighting +9, protection physical +4%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 120.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1345506
    Sockets [0 / 2]
    @[6] Health +2%
    Distance skill +6
    Health +70
    Extra armor +3
    14:12 You see {magic} falcon greaves +6 (Arm:13, club fighting +9, sword fighting +9, axe fighting +9, distance fighting +9, protection physical +7%, ice +7%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 300 or higher.
    It weighs 36.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1435301
    Health +2%
    Distance skill +6
    Axe skill +6
    @[4] Health +100
    Club skill +6
    Extra armor +3
    Sword skill +6
    14:12 You see {legendary} dragon scale boots (Arm:5, protection fire +3%, ice -3%).
    It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 70 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 18.50 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1436437
    Sockets [0 / 1]
    Mana +40
    Health +70
    Extra armor +2
    14:12 You see a {magic} falcon bow +5 (Range: 6, Atk +14, Hit% +7, distance fighting +7, protection fire +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 35.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1492962
    Extra attack +7
    Distance skill +5
    Health +80
    Hit Chance +2
    14:12 You see an {legendary} umbral master bow +7 (Range: 7, Atk +16, Hit% +10, distance fighting +10).
    It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Powerful Void 6:59h, Powerful Strike 6:59h).
    It weighs 40.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1021200
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered red gem +3
    Mana +0.3%
    Extra attack +10
    Health +3.3%
    Distance skill +7
    Health +150
    Hit Chance +5




    14:13 You see a {legendary} falcon circlet +6 (Arm:11, magic level +8, protection fire +9%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 13.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1298436
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered violet gem +2
    16 health each 5 seconds
    Extra armor +3
    Magic level +6
    23 mana each 5 seconds
    14:13 You see a {rare} falcon rod +7 (magic level +6, protection energy +8%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 37.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Damage +105%
    Refine ID 1197598
    Mana +1%
    Health +2%
    Health +100
    Magic level +3
    14:13 You see an {rare} umbral master spellbook +2 (Def:21, magic level +5, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 30.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1527861
    Sockets [0 / 1]
    Shielding skill +1
    Extra defense +1
    Mana +40
    Magic level +1
    14:13 You see {magic} magma boots (Arm:2, protection fire +5%, ice -5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 7.50 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1411497
    Health +2%
    Health +100
    14:13 You see a {legendary} gnome legs +6 (Arm:12, magic level +5, protection energy +7%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 25.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 990471
    Sockets [1 / 1]
    ->powered violet gem +1
    5.5 health each 5 seconds
    @[2] Health +3%
    Mana +70
    Health +100
    Extra armor +3
    Magic level +3
    5.5 mana each 5 seconds
    14:13 You see a {rare} thundermind raiment +4 (Arm:17, magic level +6, protection energy +8%, earth -8%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 145.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1527728
    Health +1%
    Health +50
    Extra armor +2
    Magic level +2
    7 mana each 5 seconds




    14:14 You see {magic} magma boots (Arm:2, protection fire +5%, ice -5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 7.50 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1426983
    14 health each 5 seconds
    Health +110
    14:14 You see a {legendary} gnome helmet +6 (Arm:10, magic level +7, protection physical +3%, energy +8%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 24.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1005222
    Mana +2%
    Health +130
    Extra armor +3
    Magic level +5
    @[2] 5 mana each 5 seconds
    14:14 You see a {magic} falcon wand +6 (magic level +6, protection fire +8%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers of level 300 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).
    It weighs 33.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Damage +90%
    Refine ID 1172582
    @[3] Health +2%
    Health +100
    Magic level +3
    14:14 You see an {rare} umbral master spellbook +6 (Def:23, magic level +9, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%).
    It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher.
    Imbuements: (Empty Slot).
    It weighs 30.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 381081
    Health +2%
    Extra defense +3
    Health +90
    @[3] Magic level +5
    14:14 You see a {magic} gnome legs +1 (Arm:9, magic level +2, protection energy +7%, ice -2%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 25.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1129893
    Health +2%
    @[4] Health +70
    14:14 You see a {rare} firemind raiment +4 (Arm:17, magic level +6, protection fire +8%, ice -8%).
    It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher.
    It weighs 145.00 oz.
    Atributos adicionais:
    Refine ID 1527727
    Mana +2%
    7 health each 5 seconds
    Mana +40
    Extra armor +2
    Magic level +2

  2. Boa tarde, estava verificando a tabela de eventos desse mes, e percebi que estava agendado para esse final de semana o jack roll, que no caso seria pra ontem, e o jack craft pra hoje, ambos eventos nao foram ativados. Poderiam dar uma olhada e tentar ativar o jack craft que estava agendado pra hoje?