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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. Rocket

    Mining AFK

    12:00 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: xxgabixx (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43360-mining-afk/page__pid__338448#entry338448". Passou 1 minuto, oque vem após esse tempo sem resposta, não influencia mais em nada. TRANCADO.
  2. 08:37 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: juninho rllz (Warnings: 5), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43243-cavebot-minos-korneta/page__pid__337301#entry337301". TRANCADO.
  3. Rocket

    Mining AFK

    17:49 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: xx shaman xx (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43230-mining-afk/". TRANCADO.
  4. 11:23 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: kero kero (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43198-kero-kero-cave-bot-afk-em-mystic-island/". TRAMCADO.
  5. 19:47 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: gangnan style (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/43201-ofenca/ Falta de respeito para com o ST. A forma a qual ele si dirige ao mesmo, mostra que a forma como foi falando, esta claramente indo contra as regras, ou seja, desrespeitando, isso após ser retirado do evento a qual o ST fazia. TRANCADO.
  6. 19:46 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: questdragon (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/43200-ofensa/". TRANCADO.
  7. 19:39 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: frenesi (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/43153-ofensas-sem-motivos/". 19:40 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: vicblood (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/43153-ofensas-sem-motivos/". Os dois estão errados. TRANCADO.
  8. 19:34 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: gaviao da fiell (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/43148-ofensa-no-help/". Obs: O tutor não advertiu. TRANCADO.
  9. Rocket


    12:26 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: pzowks (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43116-cavebotafk/". TRANCADO.
  10. Rocket


    12:19 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: cheech swe (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43172-cb/". TRANCADO.
  11. Rocket


    12:16 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: shinobu sensui (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43173-cb/". TRANCADO.
  12. Rocket

    cave bot

    12:14 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: thu thu kii nho (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43171-cave-bot/". TRANCADO
  13. Rocket

    Cave bots

    12:08 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: boy street (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43169-cave-bots/page__pid__336647#entry336647". TRANCADO.
  14. 11:20 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: mecenario (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/43136-mining-afk/". TRANCADA.
  15. 12:45 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: supremo mura (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Inciting Rule Violation", and comment: "/topic/43113-tentando-me-enganar-e-ganha-premio/". 12:47 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: john expert (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Inciting Rule Violation", and comment: "/topic/43113-tentando-me-enganar-e-ganha-premio/". 12:49 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: demon kinhgt (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Inciting Rule Violation", and comment: "/topic/43113-tentando-me-enganar-e-ganha-premio/". Agente faz um evento para os palyers se divertirem e não para dar uma de espertos e tentarem ludibriar agente. TRANCADO.
  16. 18:56 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: poneys malditos (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "/topic/42959-poneys-malditos-cavebotafk-dl-korneta/". TRANCADO.
  17. Rocket

    Gracinha no Help

    10:09 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: carlos kapahala (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Spamming", and comment: "/topic/42936-gracinha-no-help/". 10:10 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: soyboi (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Spamming", and comment: "/topic/42936-gracinha-no-help/". 10:11 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: sky crow (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Spamming", and comment: "/topic/42936-gracinha-no-help/". TRANCADO!!
  18. 10:03 You have taken the action "Deletion" against: neguin do genibau (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Illegal Advertising", and comment: "topic/42933-hotkey-invalida-no-help-". TRANCADO.
  19. Rocket


    14:53 You have taken the action "Name Report" against: shuahahsuahsuhsasuha (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Invalid Name Format", and comment: "/topic/42912-namelock/". TRANCADO
  20. Rocket


    13:13 You have taken the action "Name Report" against: tafudido (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Offensive Name", and comment: "/topic/42868-namelock/page__pid__334044#entry334044". TRANCADO.
  21. 13:11 You have taken the action "Banishment" against: pvp do brunao (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/42856-ofensas-a-playerurgente/". TRANCADO.
  22. Rocket


    You have taken the action "Banishment" against: felipe negao (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/42907-ofensa/". Trancado
  23. Vou aplicar um notation, caso aja mais insultos poderei ser mais severo. 13:04 You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: the ballantynies (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "/topic/42884-ofensas-e-insultos-no-guild-chat/".