
Membros Veteranos
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Everything posted by Igr

  1. que dia que o frank não trampa ai pra gente marcar de ir war?
  2. Igr


    Quando vão arrumar o exilado do Orion?
  3. Quem é esse gm ai mesmo? nunca vi
  4. Igr


    k k k k risos
  5. vendi pra ele depois trocamos de volta, algum problema nisso? acho que não né? então se não te interessa não vem enxer.
  6. 07:48 You see a {legendary} yalahari mask +8 (Arm:9, magic level +8). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 381284 13 health each 5 seconds @[1] Health +2% Health +90 Extra armor +4 Magic level +6 07:48 You see an {rare} umbral master crossbow (Range: 5, Atk +9, Hit% +11, distance fighting +3). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Gaz'haragoth at date 24/11/2018. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 873406 @[1] Health +2% Distance skill +1 Hit Chance +7 07:48 You see a {rare} thundermind raiment +6 (Arm:18, magic level +7, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher. It weighs 145.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 551233 @[9] Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% Health +4% Health +50 Extra armor +3 Magic level +3 07:48 You see a {legendary} Wand of Mayhem (overcharged) +4 (critical hit chance +20%, critical hit damage +30%, magic level +4) that will expire in 13 hours and 37 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Damage +60% Refine ID 500319 Sockets [0 / 1] @[2] Health +1% Health +150 Magic level +3 07:48 You see an {rare} Umbral master chopper +6 (Atk:63, Def:34, axe fighting +10). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 3919 @[1] Mana +1% Extra attack +9 Axe skill +7 Health +120 07:48 You see an Umbral master spellbook +2 (Def:21, magic level +5, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 880535 Extra defense +1 Magic level +1 07:48 You see {rare} magma legs (Arm:10, protection fire +6%, ice -6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 502668 Mana +2% @[1] Health +2% Health +100 07:49 You see a {rare} bow of destruction (Range: 6, Atk +6, Hit% +9). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 881071 Sockets [0 / 1] Health +2% Hit Chance +3 07:49 You see a rod of destruction (magic level +2). It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 100 or higher. Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot). It weighs 35.00 oz. OU KKS
  7. Igr


    07:50 You see a {rare} umbral master chopper +6 (Atk:63, Def:34, axe fighting +10). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 3919 @[1] Mana +1% Extra attack +9 Axe skill +7 Health +120 07:50 You see a {rare} umbral master crossbow (Range:5, Atk+9, Hit%+11, distance fighting +3). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Gaz'haragoth at date 24/11/2018. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 873406 @[1] Health +2% Distance skill +1 Hit Chance +7 07:50 You see {rare} magma legs (Arm:10, protection fire +6%, ice -6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 502668 Mana +2% @[1] Health +2% Health +100 22 ppts cada umbral e 90kk na legs
  8. Manda email pro faramir que ele te manda uma outra forma de você pagar assim como eu fiz.
  9. Igr


    14:37 You see a {legendary} yalahari mask +8 (Arm:9, magic level +8). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 381284 13 health each 5 seconds @[1] Health +2% Health +90 Extra armor +4 Magic level +6 14:37 You see a {rare} glacier mask (Arm:6, protection energy -5%, ice +4%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 10.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 442953 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1.5% Health +3.5% @[4] Health +80 14:37 You see a {rare} thundermind raiment +6 (Arm:18, magic level +7, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 551233 @[9] Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% Health +4% Health +50 Extra armor +3 Magic level +3 14:37 You see a {rare} umbral master spellbook +5 (Def:22, magic level +6, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher. It weighs 30.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 450773 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% @[2] Health +3% Extra defense +2 Health +80 Magic level +2 14:37 You see {rare} magma legs (Arm:10, protection fire +6%, ice -6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. It weighs 19.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 502909 Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% @[10] Health +4% Health +100 14:38 You see {rare} lightning boots (Arm:2, protection energy +5%, earth -5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 7.50 oz. Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Omrafir at date 26/8/2017. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 382578 Health +2% @[2] Health +100 11 mana each 5 seconds 14:38 You see a {legendary} Wand of Mayhem (overcharged) +3 (critical hit chance +20%, critical hit damage +30%, magic level +3) that will expire in 14 hours and 7 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Damage +45% Refine ID 500319 Sockets [0 / 1] @[2] Health +1% Health +150 Magic level +2 14:38 You see a {rare} wand of defiance +6 (magic level +5). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers of level 65 or higher. It weighs 37.00 oz. It reveals devastating energy arcs. Atributos adicionais: Damage +90% Refine ID 247958 @[1] Health +2% Health +60 Magic level +4 14:38 You see a {rare} glacier mask (Arm:5, protection energy -5%, ice +4%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 10.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 31558 Mana +2% @[3] Health +2% Health +100 14:39 You see {rare} magma legs (Arm:10, protection fire +6%, ice -6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. It weighs 19.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 502668 Mana +2% @[1] Health +2% Health +100 Deixa offer ou chama no king eogolpe
  10. Igr


    Ornate Chestplate Depth Calcei
  11. cuidado com o pé fora da coberta quando for dormir. reprovo !
  12. Igr


    é de familia passar vergonha
  13. Igr


    e pagou parcelado kkkkkkkkkk deixou de comer a merenda no senai
  14. Igr


    23:43 You see a {rare} umbral master spellbook +4 (Def:22, magic level +6, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher. It weighs 30.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 450773 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% @[2] Health +3% Extra defense +2 Health +80 Magic level +2 23:43 You see a {legendary} yalahari mask +8 (Arm:9, magic level +8). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 381284 13 health each 5 seconds @[1] Health +2% Health +90 Extra armor +4 Magic level +6 23:43 You see a {rare} glacier mask (Arm:5, protection energy -5%, ice +4%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 10.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 31558 Mana +2% @[3] Health +2% Health +100 23:43 You see a {rare} wand of defiance +6 (magic level +5). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers of level 65 or higher. It weighs 37.00 oz. It reveals devastating energy arcs. Atributos adicionais: Damage +90% Refine ID 247958 @[1] Health +2% Health +60 Magic level +4 23:43 You see {rare} magma legs (Arm:10, protection fire +6%, ice -6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. It weighs 19.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 502668 Mana +2% @[1] Health +2% Health +100 23:43 You see {rare} lightning boots (Arm:2, protection energy +5%, earth -5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 7.50 oz. Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Omrafir at date 26/8/2017. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 382578 Health +2% @[2] Health +100 11 mana each 5 seconds 23:43 You see a {rare} ring of the sky. It weighs 0.40 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 45165 Health +2% Mana +60 @[1] Health +120 23:44 You see a {rare} platinum amulet (Arm:3). It weighs 6.00 oz. It is an amulet of protection. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 692013 @[1] Health +2% Health +110 Extra armor +1 23:44 You see a {rare} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 42820 13 health each 5 seconds Health +2% @[3] Health +60 23:44 You see a {legendary} Wand of Mayhem (overcharged) +3 (critical hit chance +20%, critical hit damage +30%, magic level +3) that will expire in 8 hours and 7 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Damage +45% Refine ID 500319 Sockets [0 / 1] @[2] Health +1% Health +150 Magic level +2
  15. Igr


    que estranho né, nenhum gm\sgm\adm falo nada kkkkkkkkk rpg sendo rpg só responde o que convém e os socios da vida, ai ai
  16. Aprovo a parte de voltar apenas o mas frigo e o mas flam o Sistema de venda de chars seria uma boa quanto pra todos os players quanto pra você, de um jeito de implantar isso ai amigao e a questão da exiva tem que deixar do jeito que tá mesmo, nego quer tudo na mão, só falta pedirem um comando !exivateleport (nome do alvo) kkkkkkkkkk
  17. THIAGO PARA PRESIDENTE Sobre a parte da Staff, não tem como descordar. Ainda mais pra aqueles que acham que são da Staff e são os maiorais. Ainda mais quando você vai atacar certas pessoas ai e toma jail ... entendedores entenderão.
  18. Igr


    é, teria que abaixar os danos tbm, pq ta ridiculo esse dano
  19. Igr


    pobre?kkkkkkkkk meu filho, se voce gosta de baiak, azar o seu, muito nego aqui nao curte rs
  20. Igr


    Quando tiver update e adicionar os imbuiments vai ter ainda esses negocio de item unique? Por que pelo amor de Deus se tiver imbuiments e esses items vai ser pior ainda ...
  21. Igr


    Aprovo, porém ja sabemos que não, porque você sabe, e todos sabem ...