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You see a {legendary} thorn spitter +9 (Range:6, Atk +22, Hit% +1).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
Atributos adicionais:
Health +60
Distance skill +1
Extra attack +13
@ Mana +2%
Health +2%
You see an {magic} elite draken helmet +8 (Arm:13, distance fighting +1, protection death +3%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher.
It weighs 43.00 oz.
Atributos adicionais:
Health +20
8 health each 5 seconds
Distance skill +8
Extra armor +
You see a {rare} depth lorica +8 (Arm:20, distance fighting +3, protection death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 150 or higher.
It weighs 145.00 oz.
Atributos adicionais:
Distance skill +8
Mana +1%
Mana +80
7 mana each 5 seconds
Extra armor +4
ou see a yalahari leg piece +8 (Arm:12, distance fighting +2, protection death +5%).
It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 80 or higher.
It weighs 65.00 oz.
Atributos adicionais:
Distance skill +8
Extra armor +4


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