x Anjobad lajedo x

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Everything posted by x Anjobad lajedo x

  1. VENDO SET DE DRUID 22:06 You see a {rare} yalahari mask +6 (Arm:8, magic level +6). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 444399 Health +2% Health +40 Extra armor +3 @[2] Magic level +4 22:07 You see a {rare} gearwheel chain (Arm:3). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 75 or higher. It weighs 10.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 330959 Mana +1% Health +2% @[1] Health +70 22:07 You see a {rare} thundermind raiment +2 (Arm:16, magic level +7, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 640088 Sockets [0 / 2] @[6] Health +60 Extra armor +1 Magic level +3 22:07 You see a {rare} spellbook of ancient arcana +6 (Def:22, magic level +8, protection death +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher. It weighs 25.00 oz. It shows your spells and can also shield against attacks when worn. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 25241 Health +2% Extra defense +3 Magic level +4 15 mana each 5 seconds 22:07 You see a {rare} glacier kilt +2 (Arm:9, protection energy -6%, ice +6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. It weighs 19.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 6178 Health +2% @[2] Health +100 Extra armor +1 5 mana each 5 seconds 22:07 You see a {rare} glacial rod +6 (magic level +4). It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 65 or higher. It weighs 37.00 oz. Hurls the icy essence of the Svargrond glaciers. Atributos adicionais: Damage +90% Refine ID 24696 @[1] Sockets [0 / 1] Health +1% Magic level +3 13 mana each 5 seconds 22:07 You see a {rare} Rod of Mayhem (overcharged) +4 (critical hit chance +20%, critical hit damage +30%, magic level +3) that will expire in 4 hours and 59 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Damage +60% Refine ID 454051 Sockets [0 / 1] @[1] Mana +2% Health +50 Magic level +2 VENDO SET DE RP 21:57 You see a {rare} thundersoul tabard +4 (Arm:20, distance fighting +8, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 633242 Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% Health +4% Distance skill +4 @[2] Health +110 Extra armor +2 21:57 You see a {rare} blessed shield +6 (Def:43). It weighs 68.00 oz. The shield grants divine protection. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 25473 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% Health +3% Extra defense +3 Health +100 21:58 You see a {rare} yalahari leg piece +6 (Arm:11, distance fighting +8, protection death +5%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 80 or higher. It weighs 65.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 25472 @[3] Health +2% Distance skill +6 Mana +110 Health +20 Extra armor +3 21:59 You see a {rare} gearwheel chain +2 (Arm:4). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 75 or higher. It weighs 10.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 245383 Mana +2% Health +2% @[4] Health +80 Extra armor +1 21:57 You see an {rare} elite draken helmet +8 (Arm:13, distance fighting +9, protection death +3%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher. It weighs 43.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 25474 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered violet gem +5 12.5 health each 5 seconds Distance skill +8 Mana +80 Extra armor +4 @[2] 27.5 mana each 5 seconds 21:58 You see a {rare} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 332287 @[4] 15 health each 5 seconds Health +2% Health +70 21:58 You see a {rare} Crossbow of Mayhem (overcharged) +5 (Range:5, Atk+13, Hit%+6, distance fighting +8, critical hit chance +25%, critical hit damage +30%) that will expire in 10 hours and 22 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 250 or higher. It weighs 65.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 651218 Mana +1% Extra attack +7 Health +2% Distance skill +7 VENDIDO SET RP VENDO SET DE KNIGHT AXE 22:10 You see a {magic} umbral master axe +6 (Atk:62, Def:30 +3, axe fighting +8). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 80.00 oz. Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Gaz'haragoth at date 12/12/2017. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 498411 Extra attack +9 Axe skill +7 Health +60 22:08 You see a {magic} prismatic helmet +3 (Arm:11, shielding +4, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 150 or higher. It weighs 56.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 495646 Mana +1% Shielding skill +3 Extra armor +2 22:09 You see a {magic} platinum amulet +4 (Arm:4). It weighs 6.00 oz. It is an amulet of protection. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 31534 Health +1% Extra armor +2 10 mana each 5 seconds 22:09 You see a {rare} thunderheart hauberk +4 (Arm:20, axe fighting +8, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 558733 Sockets [0 / 2] Health +1% Axe skill +4 Health +100 Extra armor +2 22:09 You see an {magic} ornate shield +6 (Def:39, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 130 or higher. It weighs 71.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 31360 @[2] Mana +1% Extra defense +3 10 mana each 5 seconds 22:09 You see an {magic} ornate legs +2 (Arm:9, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 185 or higher. It weighs 77.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 499564 @[1] Mana +1% Extra armor +1 5 mana each 5 seconds 22:10 You see a {rare} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 253481 Mana +2% @[1] Health +110 6 mana each 5 seconds VENDO SET DE KNIGHT CLUB 22:01 You see a {magic} prismatic helmet (Arm:9, shielding +1, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 150 or higher. It weighs 56.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 552419 Mana +20 8 mana each 5 seconds 22:01 You see a {rare} umbral master mace +8 (Atk:65, Def:32 +3, club fighting +10). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 80.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 66478 Extra attack +13 @[1] Extra defense +2 Club skill +9 22:01 You see a {rare} thunderheart platemail +4 (Arm:21, club fighting +8, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 558737 Sockets [0 / 2] Health +80 Club skill +4 Extra armor +3 VENDO SET DE KNIGHT SWORD 22:03 You see a {rare} prismatic helmet +6 (Arm:12, shielding +7, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 150 or higher. It weighs 56.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 20962 @[1] Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1.5% Shielding skill +6 Health +1.5% Mana +100 Extra armor +3 14 mana each 5 seconds 22:04 You see a {rare} platinum amulet (Arm:2). It weighs 6.00 oz. It is an amulet of protection. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 500155 @[4] 12 health each 5 seconds Health +2% Health +70 22:04 You see a {magic} prismatic armor +6 (Arm:18, protection physical +5%, speed +15). It can only be wielded properly by knights and paladins of level 120 or higher. It weighs 79.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 663654 Speed +75 Extra armor +3 7 mana each 5 seconds 22:04 You see a {legendary} frostheart cuirass +6 (Arm:21, sword fighting +10, protection energy -8%, ice +8%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 454107 Sockets [3 / 3] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +3% Health +3% @[2] Mana +110 Health +90 Extra armor +3 Sword skill +6 16 mana each 5 seconds 22:04 You see a {rare} shield of corruption +6 (Def:39, club fighting +9, sword fighting +9, axe fighting +9). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 80 or higher. It weighs 49.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 455114 Health +2% Extra defense +3 Axe skill +6 Health +70 Club skill +6 Sword skill +6 @[1] 10 mana each 5 seconds 22:04 You see a {rare} shiny blade +8 (Atk:63, Def:35 +3, sword fighting +10). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 454106 Mana +2% Extra attack +13 Sword skill +9 22:04 You see an {magic} ornate legs +6 (Arm:11, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 185 or higher. It weighs 77.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 25428 @[8] Mana +70 Extra armor +3 10 mana each 5 seconds 22:05 You see a {rare} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 243006 @[3] Health +1% Mana +100 Health +110 22:05 You see a {rare} Zaoan shoes +2 (Arm:2, speed +5). It weighs 7.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 529633 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered violet gem +5 Speed +20 Mana +1% 7.5 health each 5 seconds Extra armor +1 22.5 mana each 5 seconds VENDO SET DE SORC 21:51 You see a {rare} yalahari mask +8 (Arm:9, magic level +8). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 22525 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +1 Mana +0.3% Health +0.3% @[4] Health +70 Extra armor +4 Magic level +6 21:52 You see a {rare} wand of defiance +4 (magic level +5). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers of level 65 or higher. It weighs 37.00 oz. It reveals devastating energy arcs. Atributos adicionais: Damage +60% Refine ID 519236 Health +2% Health +70 @[1] Magic level +4 21:53 You see a {rare} thundermind raiment +6 (Arm:18, magic level +8, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher. It weighs 22.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 451595 @[1] Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% Health +3% Extra armor +3 Magic level +4 21:53 You see a {rare} umbral master spellbook +6 (Def:23, magic level +9, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher. It weighs 30.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 253863 @[5] Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% Health +2% Extra defense +3 Magic level +5 21:53 You see {rare} magma legs +2 (Arm:9, protection fire +6%, ice -6%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 40 or higher. It weighs 19.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 42729 @[5] Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% 6 health each 5 seconds Health +2% Health +110 Extra armor +1 21:54 You see a {rare} gill legs +6 (Arm:10, magic level +5, protection earth +8%, fire -8%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher. It weighs 28.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 651898 Sockets [0 / 1] Health +50 Extra armor +3 Magic level +4 21:54 You see a {rare} Wand of Mayhem (overcharged) +5 (critical hit chance +20%, critical hit damage +30%, magic level +3) that will expire in 3 hours and 46 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 250 or higher. It weighs 35.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Damage +75% Refine ID 456209 Sockets [0 / 1] Health +90 Magic level +2 9 mana each 5 seconds 21:55 You see a {legendary} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 552927 Mana +3% @[3] 11 health each 5 seconds Health +140 20 mana each 5 seconds 21:55 You see {legendary} steel boots +3 (Arm:4). It weighs 29.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 611015 @[5] Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% Health +4% Health +90 Extra armor +1 19 mana each 5 seconds 21:55 You see a {rare} ring of the sky. It weighs 0.40 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 509542 @[1] 12 health each 5 seconds Health +2% Health +110 escolha e mande no PM no ANJOBAD LAJEDO OBS ACEITO APENAS PPT
  2. manda msg pro anjobad lajedo tenho todos os set que precisa ^^ chego do trampo as 5h
  3. manow acreditos que melhor coisa era vc usa uma firebomb no chao pq quando entra no TP da silver prision vc encontra um terofar sumon use uma firebomb ou energy no chao que iria aparecer o original
  4. boa maikao neutral falou tudo
  5. bom amigo todos esses items blade haunde nightmare blade sai e outro vc pode vende no npc SOYA os items aquela lingua os couro deles nao sei mais acho que o npc hunter vc o pode vende
  6. troco nose ring em citeron por um em danae ou vendo deixe offer em citeron
  7. PARA VENDE hydra head basta vc ir no npc YASIR em thais 2 anda lado direto da dp
  8. guilherme nao é bug vc apenas apertou errado o my offers 2x ae foi pro lado de offer History quando vc aperta offer History ai sao as sua vende que vc vende aconselho vc fexa o market e abrir novamente e aperta uma vez no my offers
  9. You see a {legendary} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 552927 Mana +3% @[1] Mana +150 Health +140 20 mana each 5 seconds deixe offer
  10. quanto quer nus 2 14:17 You see a {rare} Crossbow of Mayhem (overcharged) +6 (Range:5, Atk+15, Hit%+6, distance fighting +9, critical hit chance +25%, critical hit damage +30%) that will expire in 13 hours and 25 minutes. It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 250 or higher. It weighs 65.00 oz. This weapon is over charged. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 553938 Extra attack +9 Health +2% @[4] Distance skill +8 Health +100 -------------------------- 14:17 You see a {rare} yalahari leg piece +7 (Arm:11, distance fighting +9, protection death +5%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 80 or higher. It weighs 65.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 50526 @[6] Sockets [0 / 1] Health +2% Distance skill +7 Health +110 Extra armor +3
  11. em danae quanto vc quer nela {rare} boots of haste (speed +20). It weighs 7.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 275975 Health +2% Health +90 13 mana each 5 seconds
  12. {rare} thundersoul tabard +4 (77 premium points)shop id: 142989 Atributos adicionais:Refine ID 633242Sockets [0 / 2]Health +2%Distance skill +4@[2] Health +110Extra armor +2 nose ring (88 premium points)shop id: 143014 VENDIDO deixe offer PM ME anjobad lajedo
  13. vendo nose ring troco em danae

    msg anjobad lajedo

    1. Lucas~  ;*
    2. 'MaIkao


      dou metade ppt o resto kk's

  14. para isso existe o youtube vai fica as msm cave basta vc olha la as cave boa pra vc
  15. na minha opinião acharia bem melhor para punição o player que for pego pagaria primeira vez pagaria assim >>5 1O 2O 5O a 75 ou msm 1OOkk para sair da cadeia ao invés de da bani ou del primeira vez 5kk segunda vez 1Okk e assim vai como mostra ae
  16. eu também REPROVO > ja pensou quando fica free aqueles monte de items dentro das casas e dentro da sua DP encher e vc toma ban por acumulo de items ISSO QUE MUITOS NÂO TEM 2 char em uma acc sempre mais char
  17. E ai Galerinha do Tibia RPG Brasil, por esses dias, vi a deficiência de novos players, para saber a função de cada boost, então venho por meio deste Tópico, por uma pequena explicação para cada um deles. Atualmente temos três tipo de boost no server Autoloot Boost, Manapool Boost e Recovery Boost. olha imagens abaixo 1:clique 2:Boosters escolher o que vc desejar 3:Buy Now 4:vai chega no seu IMBOX 5:seu Store IMOBX Autoloot Boost: Função: Aumenta capacidade base para 10 slots e possui uma backpack virtual onde a cap do loot não interfere com a cap do char. a capacidade dos boosters para quem for free também. 8 Slot para quem é Free Account. também a booster de 3 10 ou 30 dias Afeta todos os chars da conta ao ser ativado. Manapool Boost: Função: Aumenta número de poters, sem precisar ter jogadores dentro da câmera, e 30% de desconto na compra de Potions no Npc Nuvem. Mages: 12 Poters Paladins: 9 Poters Knights: 7 Poters também a booster de 3 10 ou 30 dias Afeta todos os chars da conta ao ser ativado. Recovery Boost: Função:Aumenta regeneração de vida e mana, gerando a cada 2 segundos os seguintes benefícios. Mages 30hp+100mp Pally 60hp+60mp Knight 120hp+40mp também a booster de 3 10 ou 30 dias Afeta todos os chars da conta ao ser ativado. Como obter os Boost: Todos os Boost podem ser comprados no site do server.. Na parte de tibiarpgbrasil.com/player_shop.php por premmium points, veja os preços. Você pode compra no shop do jogador boosters de 3 10 e 30 Dias 10 dias autoloot booster (12 premium points) 30 dias autoloot booster (30 premium points) 10 dias manapool booster (8 premium points) 30 dias manapool booster (20 premium points) 10 dias recovery booster (8 premium points) 30 dias recovery booster (20 premium points) Outras formar de obter os Boost: Os Booster tambem pode ser adquiridos sendo comprando de Players, ou trocando pontos no Npc Arbeitgeber, confira.. Recovery Booster (preço: 7 pontos): 1 dia de recovery booster pré ativado. Em estoque: 5. Manapool Booster (preço: 7 pontos): 1 dia de manapool booster pré ativado. Em estoque: 5. Autoloot Booster (preço: 7 pontos): 1 dia de autoloot booster pré ativado. Em estoque: 5. Lembrete: Os booster vem ativado, ao comprar no Npc Arbeitgeber. para saber mais também em Quest Elite Quest Lembrete Final: As imagens do Booster acima é fantasia, caso for comprar in-game o Booster certo é o da seguinte imagem, cuidado para não ser enganado. Imagem do Booster in-game: Valeu galera, pro hoje é só! Atenciosamente: GM Scorpion e all Staff Atualização tutor Anjobad lajedo sugestão GM Aprendiz- fabiano
  18. GRAVA LIVE bom pessoal esta precisando grava videos de sua Hunt e Quest ou ate mesmo denunciar player o Hypercam APowersoft faz isso com vc. bom vamos começa. 1:programa APowersoft LINK do site https://www.apowersoft.com.br/gravador-de-tela-gratis bom esse programa vc poderá grava videos no NAVEGADOR ou baixando o programa 1: para começa gravar 2:baixar launcher 3:baixar programa para instala no desktop https://download.apowersoft.com.br/down.php?softid=screenrecorderpro caso queria saber. 2: Programa Hypercam para baixar basta acessa esse site https://hypercam.br.uptodown.com/windows Screen Area 1º Select Region Selecione a região da onde você quer gravar o videos de seu interesse. para fazer full desktop selecione toda a tela . como mostra imagens a baixo aqui mostrou 1280x768 depende da telas de vc e da revolução 2º Select Windows É para selecionar todo o a aréa do windows toda --------------------------------- 3º Start Rec Para inciar a sua gravação. todas gravações são salva no meu documentos --------------------------------- 4º Start Pause Para para a gravação. --------------------------------- F2: Start-Stop-recording F3: pause-resume --------------------------------- F4: single frame shot[in pause mode] tiro de quadro único [no modo de pausa] creditos tutor -Anjobad Lajedo equipe -TibiaRPGbrasil
  19. eu também acharia bom reset e o xp x1 depois do 3OO ai sim ficaria show