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Everything posted by Paulynhoo

  1. You have taken the action "Deletion" against: massega (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35377-massega-cb-afk-dragon-lord-korneta/". Trancado.
  2. You have taken the action "Deletion" against: stivinoyer (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35378-cav-bot-nos-monks-de-mystic-island/". Trancado.
  3. Revivendo Topico de 2011 pelo amor. Trancado.
  4. You have taken the action "Deletion" against: pluto nash (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35348-pluto-nash-cb-afk/". Trancado.
  5. You have taken the action "Banishment" against: ticon (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35313-ticon-mining-afk/". Trancado.
  6. You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: coroinha do padre (Warnings: 0), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "topic/35283-comentarios-indevidos-no-trade". You have taken the action "Notation" (2 left to banishment) against: juniorba (Warnings: 5), with reason: "Offensive Statement", and comment: "topic/35283-comentarios-indevidos-no-trade". Trancado.
  7. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ri d+
  8. You have taken the action "Banishment" against: aldebaran bull (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35275-aldebaran-bull-mining-afk/". Trancado.
  9. You have taken the action "Banishment" against: lokomeloh (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35278-lokomeloh-mining-afk/". Trancado.
  10. Já teve varias sugestões q nem a sua mas o Faramir disse que iria agregar valores , assim a premmy subindo e dando uma razoavel diferença. mas q a sugestão é boa isso n se discute. Trancado.
  11. Deveria ter lido as regras antes amigo sinto muito. Trancado.
  12. You have taken the action "Banishment" against: toldy (Warnings: 2), with reason: "Illegal Advertising", and comment: "topic/35250-Spam no help + ameaças a tutor". Trancado.
  13. kkkkkkkkkkkk roxx esses 3 videos ai em spaoksopakspakaspkaso
  14. You have taken the action "Banishment" against: tomanuku (Warnings: 1), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "topic/35239-tomanuku-»-auto-hur/". Trancado.
  15. You have taken the action "Deletion" against: os tutores sao fdp (Warnings: 4), with reason: "Offensive Name", and comment: "topic/35231-name-lock-ofenca/". Trancado.
  16. é mais facil vc entrar em contato com o PAG SEGURO ve o numero deles ou email e ve o pq não está autorizando.
  17. Se vc está esperando 2 meses é pq vc está errado então para de criar tópico a toa pq se continuar vou ter advertir sua conta sem mais. Trancado.