High King

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Everything posted by High King

  1. You see a {legendary} glacial rod +8 (magic level +8). It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 65 or higher. It weighs 37.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Damage +120% Health +150 15 mana each 5 seconds @ Magic level +7 Health +2% You see a {legendary} royal scale robe +8 (Arm:16, magic level +9, protection fire +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 100 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +30 Mana +90 @ Magic level +7 Extra armor +4 Health +2% You see a {legendary} spellbook of ancient arcana +8 (Def:23, magic level +11, protection death +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher. It weighs 25.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +30 7 health each 5 seconds Extra defense +4 @ Magic level +7 Health +3% You see a {rare} gill legs +8 (Arm:11, magic level +7, protection earth +8%, fire -8%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 150 or higher. It weighs 28.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Mana +100 Magic level +6 Extra armor +4 @ Health +2% 18:52 You see a {legendary} yalahari mask +8 (Arm:9, magic level +9). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Health +60 Mana +3% 13 mana each 5 seconds @ Magic level +7 Extra armor +4 You see {rare} boots of haste +2 (speed +20). It weighs 7.50 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +120 Speed +20 11 mana each 5 seconds @ Health +1% You see a {rare} frozen starlight. It weighs 0.20 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +70 Mana +40 Health +2% somente ppts
  2. ele tava upando com o pvp desligado e cato red na cav lerdos!
  3. se sabe deixa o pc ligado? tipo, so nao aperta o botao power tlg
  4. mds, pra que isso? desnecessario Reprovo
  5. lol, ta mais do que otimo, os itens de la vc so "consegue" la, tirando os eventos. Reprovo!
  6. High King

    Desvincular char!

    ele tem que desistir no outro char, ta bugado msm
  7. tenho uma rare robe com 2% de healt mas nao da ml, e nao tem roll se quiser offer em kks
  8. poh, ne reclamando nao mais poderia ter um double fishing tbm
  9. sabe oq anima? upar char!
  10. o mlk ta vendo o @ ali e pergunta se tem roll
  11. é o msm, ele mudo de forma depois que chego na red