Sergio H

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Everything posted by Sergio H

  1. 21:24 You see a {magic} fireborn giant armor +7 (Arm:18, sword fighting +9, protection fire +5%, ice -5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher. It weighs 120.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Mana +20 Extra armor +3 Health +1% Sword skill +7 21:24 You see an {magic} ornate chestplate +6 (Arm:19, shielding +3, protection physical +8%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 200 or higher. It weighs 156.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Mana +1% Mana +60 Extra armor +3 21:25 You see a {legendary} shiny blade +6 (Atk:60, Def:35 +3, sword fighting +9). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Health +140 Extra attack +10 Mana +2% Sword skill +8 21:25 You see a {magic} shield of corruption +7 (Def:39, sword fighting +10). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 80 or higher. Atributos adicionais: 5 health each 5 seconds Extra defense +3 Mana +1% Sword skill +7 21:25 You see the epiphany (Atk:50, Def:35 +3). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. 21:25 You see Ferumbras' hat (Arm:1). 21:25 You see an ornate legs (Arm:8, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 185 or higher. 21:26 You see a horned helmet +6 (Arm:14). Atributos adicionais: Extra armor +3 21:26 You see a {magic} prismatic helmet +3 (Arm:11, shielding +1, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 150 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Mana +50 Extra armor +2 21:26 You see a solar axe (Atk:52, Def:29 +3). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 130 or higher. It weighs 110.00 oz. 21:26 You see {magic} golden boots (Arm:5). Atributos adicionais: 6 mana each 5 seconds Extra armor +1 21:26 You see an {magic} ornate shield +6 (Def:39, protection physical +5%). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 130 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Extra defense +3 Mana +20 7 mana each 5 seconds 21:28 You see a dark trinity mace (Atk:51, Def:32 -1). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. It weighs 99.00 oz. 21:29 You see the calamity (Atk:51, Def:35). It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 100 or higher. It weighs 68.00 oz. Deixem offer Vlw
  2. kkkk Ai sim hém emo gogogo refina esse book awe danado :-P
  3. Sergio H


    You see a {legendary} shiny blade +6 (Atk:60, Def:35 +3, sword fighting +9). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 120 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Health +140 Extra attack +10 Mana +2% Sword skill +8 Sell 450kk ou a sua offer
  4. NIck: Style Lios Motivo: Como ja fui da Staff tbm acho que devo ajudar um pouco e como voltei a jogar em Danae acho que seria uma boa ajudar o pessoal de la pois Danae esta muito parada Já enviei os 5kk via parcel [inscrição Aprovada] - Teste já feito
  5. Ae Bigode, A partir das 2 horas e meia da manhã de hj os Dark Torturers de Korneta sumiram... Bugou esquizito...
  6. Entra em contato comigo ae In-Game tenho um monte pra vc fazer pra mim... ^^ Tom Kaulitz
  7. Ae naum sei se ja aconteceu com alguém akiie... Só que hj quando matamos o Boss Abyssador meu kina n pode abrir o Baú. Eu estava blokando ele portanto eu hitei... então oq aconteceu? alguém pode me explicar?