GustiN ⛧

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Everything posted by GustiN ⛧

  1. GustiN ⛧


    Manda msg in game Maziken
  2. GustiN ⛧


    Sell: 22:18 You see a {rare} crossbow of mayhem +9 (Range: 5, Atk +19, Hit% +13). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher. Imbuements: (Powerful Void 18:00h, Powerful Strike 18:00h, Empty Slot). It weighs 65.00 oz. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 25414 Extra attack +13 Distance skill +2 @[4] Health +20 Hit Chance +7 22:18 You see a {rare} yalahari leg piece +2 (Arm:9, distance fighting +4, protection death +5%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 80 or higher. It weighs 65.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 942894 Sockets [0 / 2] @[1] Health +2% Distance skill +2 Health +90 Extra armor +1 22:18 You see a {legendary} thundersoul tabard +3 (Arm:19, distance fighting +7, protection energy +8%, earth -8%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 200 or higher. It weighs 145.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 451563 Health +3% Distance skill +3 Mana +40 Health +110 Extra armor +1 9 mana each 5 seconds 22:18 You see an {rare} elite draken helmet +6 (Arm:14, distance fighting +7, protection death +3%). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher. Imbuements: (Empty Slot). It weighs 43.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 555683 Health +2% Distance skill +6 @[1] Health +50 Extra armor +5 22:19 You see a {legendary} crossbow of mayhem +4 (Range: 5, Atk +12, Hit% +10). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 100 or higher. Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot, Empty Slot). It weighs 65.00 oz. It can only be wielded properly by players of level 100 or higher. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 738586 Sockets [0 / 1] Extra attack +6 Health +2% Mana +150 @[3] Hit Chance +4
  3. GustiN ⛧

    bug (???)

    Pode trancar ae, iguin deu o help necessario
  4. GustiN ⛧

    bug (???)

    Salve rapa, bom venho aqui perguntar a vocês se alguem sabe como arrumar esse erro do mb: OBS: Com a key do mb (paga) n funciona, nem crackeado
  5. GustiN ⛧


    "e uma casa em orlando com direito a uma p. mecanica" vc nunca muda.
  6. GustiN ⛧


    Mano, para de avacalhar o tópico, tem nego q realmente qr comprar os bglho
  7. mds gente, sendo no pvp ou n continua sendo um boss, bando de criança grtz
  8. Reprovo, ja tem o imbuement q faz esse papel. No PvP vai ficar horrivel, ngm vai matar ngm. Pra danae acho que seria uma boa opção, mas acho q daria mt trabalho
  9. Um evento de incentivo ao pvp por semana seria daora mesmo
  10. GustiN ⛧

    SET ED

    PM Royal Unclear
  11. GustiN ⛧

    SET ED

    SELL: 18:51 You see a {legendary} yalahari mask +6 (Arm:8, magic level +5). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 80 or higher. Imbuements: (Empty Slot). It weighs 35.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 448265 Mana +1% @[4] Health +3% Health +140 Extra armor +3 Magic level +3 13 mana each 5 seconds 18:51 You see a {rare} dwarven armor +1 (Arm:10, protection physical +5%). Imbuements: (Powerful Cloud Fabric 11:15h, Powerful Lich Shroud 11:49h). It weighs 130.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 928812 Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% Health +3% @[10] Health +70 18:51 You see a {rare} gnome legs +6 (Arm:12, magic level +7, protection energy +7%, ice -2%). It can only be wielded properly by druids and sorcerers of level 200 or higher. It weighs 25.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 927662 @[5] Sockets [2 / 2] ->powered red gem +5 ->powered red gem +5 Mana +2% Health +4% Extra armor +3 Magic level +5 18:51 You see {rare} lightning boots (Arm:4, protection energy +5%, earth -5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids. It weighs 7.50 oz. Item caught as prize for level 4 of participation on killing Omrafir at date 6/8/2017. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 377403 @[6] Sockets [1 / 1] ->powered red gem +5 Mana +1% Health +3% Health +80 18:51 You see an {magic} Umbral master spellbook +6 (Def:23, magic level +7, protection energy +5%, earth +5%, fire +5%, ice +5%). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 250 or higher. Imbuements: (Powerful Lich Shroud 13:42h). It weighs 30.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Refine ID 448263 Health +2% Extra defense +3 Health +90 Magic level +3 18:51 You see a {legendary} glacial rod +6 (magic level +4). It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 65 or higher. It weighs 37.00 oz. Hurls the icy essence of the Svargrond glaciers. Atributos adicionais: Damage +90% Refine ID 424822 @[5] Sockets [0 / 1] Mana +2% Health +3% Health +140 Magic level +3 18:52 You see a {magic} rod of destruction +4 (magic level +4). It can only be wielded properly by druids of level 100 or higher. Imbuements: (Powerful Strike 11:31h, Empty Slot). It weighs 35.00 oz. Atributos adicionais: Damage +60% Refine ID 925084 Health +2% Health +100 Magic level +2
  12. Colocar uma taxa fixa n seria uma boa? Tipo 40 ppts fixo, seria o preço q eu colocasse+40ppts pro server
  13. chorem pro meu lider, bjos ;*
  14. Fui dededededededededededeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee leleletadodoododooo
  15. Gente, isso era só um tópico de despedida..
  16. Pode deletar ai tbm PunX AugustiN
  17. Entendi a parte de colocar o char a venda de graça e tals. Oq vc disse é q o proprio server colocasse um valor minimo p mim colocar o MEU char? E venda ilegal? Não vejo nada de ilegal colocar o MEU char p vender para outra pessoa (só oq falta é colocar p vender p contas conectadas no mesmo facebook), pelo valor que EU quero.