Bug Pet exp (não é aquele)


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eu to matando elite nightmare com o petkovit archer e ele nao ta ganhando exp
08:23 You see a pet archer. This is a level 17 pet, belongs to Ozyuth. It is 63% to level up.
08:23 You gained 72261 experience points.
08:23 You gained 54990 experience points.
08:23 Loot of a elite nightmare scion: 68 gold coins, a diamond sceptre, a double axe, ham, meat
08:23 {AUTO-LOOT} Collected 68 gold coins sent to your bank account.
08:24 You see a pet archer. This is a level 17 pet, belongs to Ozyuth. It is 63% to level up.


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08:49 Loot of a elite black knight: 99 gold coins, brass legs, a halberd, a warrior helmet, a battle hammer, a knight axe, a dark helmet, a double axe

08:49 {AUTO-LOOT} Collected 99 gold coins sent to your bank account.

08:49 {Pet} Seu pet recebeu 7544 de experiencia.

08:49 {Pet} Seu pet avançou para o level 20.

08:49 You see a pet archer. This is a level 20 pet, belongs to Ozyuth. It is 254% to level up.



momentos depois...


08:49 Loot of a elite black knight: 42 gold coins, 3 spears, brown bread, brass legs, a plate armor, a steel helmet, a two handed sword, a warrior helmet, a knight axe, a dark helmet, a double axe

08:49 {AUTO-LOOT} Collected 42 gold coins sent to your bank account.

08:49 Using one of 3231 mana potions... (kd a exp do pet?)

08:49 Using one of 3230 mana potions...

08:49 You see a pet archer. This is a level 20 pet, belongs to Ozyuth. It is 254% to level up.

e ele ajudou a matar...


08:52 Loot of a elite black knight: 71 gold coins, brass legs, a rope, a steel helmet, a warrior helmet, a knight axe, a dark helmet, a double axe, knight legs, a ruby necklace

08:52 {AUTO-LOOT} Collected 71 gold coins sent to your bank account.

08:52 You see a pet archer. This is a level 20 pet, belongs to Ozyuth. It is 254% to level up.

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Acumula xp, só matar qualquer bicho que dê xp que você vai upar, pois vai estar mais de 100% de up no caso 254% ou seja 2 level e meio...não é bug, ele ganha muita xp mesmo...



Palavras do Faramir: "o pet é um summon, quando vc mata o bixo a xp que aparece na cabeca do pet é a xp que vc recebeu proveniente dele, e não que ele recebeu, a que ele recebeu é a que aparece no log"


Tópico: http://forum.tibiarp...tema-pet/page-4

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ah mas pensa eu to caçando uns elite bk na moral ai o char resolve não upar mais e eu tenho que voltar e matar rot ;x

ue continua caçando o dia todo...ai quando nao for caçar mais , va num lugar cheio de bixo e da avalanche rune que ele vai upar 50 level rapidao.

Pra cada bixo um level.

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eu tenho stamina full

e eu passo o fds na casa da namorada, volto do segunda, mas pode logar meu char la e ver...

eu tirei os hits do server log porque spameia muito, mas isso é configuração do client. So uma opção marcavel. Agora não sei porque matei vários elite bk e nao upou nada. Nem 1 level, nem 1%.

quanfo tava nos elite nightmare ele ate voltou quando removi e invoquei de volta, mas depois meu petkovit nao quis mais upar nao... :/

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Estou com o mesmo problema, meu pet ta hitando o monstro, ganha xp, mas nao upa nem 1%.


12:44 You see a pet archer. This is a level 17 pet, belongs to Krathos Thor. It is 55% to level up.
12:44 A hellspawn healed itself for 184 hitpoints.
12:44 You lose 155 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 You lose 169 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 A hellspawn loses 242 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 317 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
12:44 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 462 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You lose 81 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
12:44 Your pet archer deals 198 to a plaguesmith.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 198 hitpoints due to an attack by a pet archer.
12:44 A hellspawn loses 654 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You gained 7200 experience points.
12:44 You gained 222 experience points.
12:44 A pet archer gained 74 experience points.
12:44 Loot of a hellspawn: 30 gold coins
12:44 {AUTO-LOOT} Collected 30 gold coins sent to your bank account.
12:44 A pet archer loses 259 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 718 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 A pet archer healed itself for 46 hitpoints.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 269 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You lose 45 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 742 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You see a pet archer. This is a level 17 pet, belongs to Krathos Thor. It is 55% to level up.
12:44 You lose 273 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
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Estou com o mesmo problema, meu pet ta hitando o monstro, ganha xp, mas nao upa nem 1%.


12:44 You see a pet archer. This is a level 17 pet, belongs to Krathos Thor. It is 55% to level up.
12:44 A hellspawn healed itself for 184 hitpoints.
12:44 You lose 155 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 You lose 169 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 A hellspawn loses 242 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 317 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
12:44 You lose 10 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 462 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You lose 81 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
12:44 Your pet archer deals 198 to a plaguesmith.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 198 hitpoints due to an attack by a pet archer.
12:44 A hellspawn loses 654 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You gained 7200 experience points.
12:44 You gained 222 experience points.
12:44 A pet archer gained 74 experience points.
12:44 Loot of a hellspawn: 30 gold coins
12:44 {AUTO-LOOT} Collected 30 gold coins sent to your bank account.
12:44 A pet archer loses 259 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 718 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 A pet archer healed itself for 46 hitpoints.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 269 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You lose 45 hitpoints due to an attack by a hellspawn.
12:44 A plaguesmith loses 742 hitpoints due to your attack.
12:44 You see a pet archer. This is a level 17 pet, belongs to Krathos Thor. It is 55% to level up.
12:44 You lose 273 hitpoints due to an attack by a plaguesmith.


mano teu pet ganhou 74 de xp...vai ver que isso nao chega a ser 1% neah cara.

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